Lycoperdales - The true puffballs
Firgure 1: Lycoperdon pyriforme. |
Figure 2: Lycoperdon pyriforme. |
Name: Lycoperdon pyriforme previously called Morganella pyriformis
Common Name: Pear-shaped puffball
Common Name: Pear-shaped puffball
Family: Lycoperdaceae
Collection Date: 4th Oct. 2011
Location: West Woods Park
Description: Fruiting bodies white in colour and soft to the touch and pear-shaped. When cut open spore mass in white.
Description: Fruiting bodies white in colour and soft to the touch and pear-shaped. When cut open spore mass in white.
Collector: Olivia Benjamin
Key used: Orson K. Miller Jr. 1977. Mushrooms of North America. E.P. Dutton New York.
Keying Steps:
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 298.
1b. Yound puffball cut shows white firm fleshy spore mass (gleba) and usually thin outer skin...5
5b. Pear-shaped with base, less than 7cm thick...16
16a. Outer skin light brown, smoothor with a few hairs, in clusters on wood---> 364. L. pyriforme.
Ecology: This fungus is saprobic on dead wood of hardwoods and conifers. They usually grow in clusters during fall and winter. They are also very widely distributed and common throughout North America (Kuo, 2008).
Kuo, M. (2008 November). Morganella pyriformis. Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: